TRIBE - 2019
Research Program
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Research Program
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Prof. Kleber Vieira Cardoso and Sand Luz Correa forom UFG, Brazil, will do their sabbatical year at the TRiBE team, under Brazilian funding and in the context of the EMBRACe project. They will work with Aline C. Viana and Felipe Fonseca on trajectory reconstruction of tourists and their 5G resource optimization.


Felipe Fonseca is doing an internship of 3 months in our team (Nov 201-Jan 2020). He work with Aline C. Viana, Kleber V. Cardoso and Sand L. Correa on trajectory reconstruction of tourists.

Lucas Santos is doing an internship of 3 months in our team (Nov 201-Jan 2020) in the context of EMBRACE associated team. He work with Aline C. Viana and Pedro Olmo on the investigation of causalities in habits of human visits.

Douglas Teixira did an internship of 10 months our team (May 2019-Jan 2020) in the context of EMBRACE associated team. He is in cotutelle between IPP and UFMG and is co-advised by Aline C. Viana and Jussara Almeida on the limits of a context-aware predictability of human mobility.

Amina Ben Hassine did an intership of 6 months (2019) in collaboration with Ichrak Amdouni (ENSISo) and Anis Laouiti (Telecom SudParis) on the subject of "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Path Planning Using Machine Learning" using reinforcement learning.

Visits to International Teams

Research Stays Abroad

Aside of working for Inria, Emmanuel Baccelli is also Professor at Freie Universitaet (FU) Berlin, within the context of a chair resulting of a partnership between Inria, FU Berlin and Einstein Center for Digital Future (ECDF: umbrella organization for Berlin's technical universities). The topic of this chair is Open and Secure IoT Ecosystem. In this context, Emmanuel Baccelli stays at FU Berlin. See online: https://www.digital-future.berlin/en/about-us/professors/prof-dr-emmanuel-baccelli/